Ninemsn putting it’s weight today behind the local launch of Grazia and, dedicating some serious homepage pixels (see above) and 100k of prizes to boot. The site itself, like other sites in the fashion category, attempt to create the impact of a glossy magazine cover with big bold imagery and attention-grabbing headlines. The similarity of the logo and the black and white, give it a very look and feel (Disclosure - I am an employee of NDM, is part of the NDM Network) . They even have their own GraziaTV ala VogueTV. With ‘Blogs’ second in the menu order, they’re keeping it very 2.0 and seems very The Vine in structure and appearance.
Overall it's a good looking, well-structured, content rich site. The strength in session time and frequency often comes through the community forums in these categories (at Grazia they call this the Chatroom), which Vogue does very well. Again I think this area will be interesting yardstick to measure the traction and loyalty of users over time.
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