Each month I'm offering the illustrious, sacred, Pixel Paddock Gold Award to services, people and stuff that rise above the pack and provide outstanding service to the Interactive Producer world.
Without further ado, the January Gold Award goes to.. drumroll.. Box.net.
What is Box.net?
At it's heart Box.net is a file sharing service. Set up a Box.net account, and from the account you can upload any file (think: PDF's, PSD's, Movie Files) up to 2GB in size (read: huge files). You can then decide to share it (or a folder of files) in several ways, including providing a preview link, a direct link, or password protected links. Add to this custom branded pages and beefed up security, and you have yourself a replacement for all those bad experiences you've had coding HTML extranets, diving into FTP's or dealing with amateur hour over at YouSendIt.
Why is it worthy of a Pixel Paddock Gold Award?
Your clients will love you for it. They can preview a Powerpoint deck in browser, without the need for Powerpoint. They can download past presentations, files and source code from a single project folder. It's fast, reliable and secure, you can upload that presentation as your just about to walk in the clients door. And you can make it your own, brand the URL, and with a call to their sales staff, customize the look and feel (minor gripe: they really should make this free).
Props to Walton Isaacson who first showed me Box.net.
You can try a free Personal account at:
For business use you'll be paying $45 p/month (Minimum of 3 users at $15 p/month).
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